CYBER RANGES delivers World-Class Cybersecurity Training and Capability Development Exercises using
Next-Generation Technology and Services for the Design, Delivery and Management of Simulation-Based,
Deep-Dive Experiences in Cybersecurity.

Key Industry Facts on Cybersecurity

  • DATOS INSIGHTS: Cyber ranges improve first responder effectiveness: cyber range training improves memory retention by 75%, compared to 5% through traditional learning methods.

  • The European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) estimates the global cost of cyber attacks for the financial sector to be worth $45bn to $654bn.

  • ISACA: Cybersecurity professionals believe that hands-on experience in a cybersecurity role (97%), credentials held (88%), and completion of hands-on cybersecurity training courses (83%) are very or somewhat important when determining if a cybersecurity candidate is qualified.

  • The median annual wage for information security analysts was $103,590 in May 2020. Their employment is projected to grow 31% by 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations

  • GARTNER advises that security and risk management (SRM) leaders should focus on building a “unicorn security team” rather than trying to assemble a “team of security unicorns” via a competency-focused hiring-based strategy.
    A “unicorn security team” is composed of individuals who collectively have the portfolio of skills and competencies needed to deliver the security program effectively.

Training and Re-Skilling

Experimental Style

Real-World Scenarios

We specialize in training and re-skilling cybersecurity professionals all over the world using world-class, deep-dive, simulation technology.

We provide you with the opportunity to gain and apply critical, hands-on competencies in life-like environments to build muscle memory.

Our cybersecurity experiences are delivered through real-world scenarios so that security operators and managers can deal with real threats.

CYBER RANGES: Transform Your Cybersecurity Capabilities

Learn, train, test, measure and improve your own or your team’s cybersecurity competence and your organization’s resilience using our next-gen military-grade CYBER RANGES platform, technology and services.

Why Simulated Experience Matters

Why Simulated Experience Matters

Introducing TOAR from CYBER RANGES

CYBER RANGES is the ultimate, all-in-one, simulation-based platform which offers holistic, beginner-to-expert, experiential learning paths in cybersecurity.

As well as our 4 deployment options, we also offer access to our world-class Cyber Range on an individual basis for instructors and learners. Learn more about gaining access to the CYBER RANGES Lab-based Cybersecurity Training and Instructor-led options.