CSGA Special Announcement

Cyber Security Global Alliance and Top Cyber News Magazine Join Forces to Run the Top 40 Under 40: Cybersecurity Awards Program

At Top Cyber News MAGAZINE, we communicate Technology, Innovation and Cyber Security. We communicate Information and Knowledge from the Source. This Source is you. Digital MAGAZINE "About People, By People, For People" "We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospection.

This special edition shines a spotlight on remarkable professionals within cybersecurity industry. Top Cyber News MAGAZINE is honored to present young and dedicated professionals - ambassadors, advocates, and influencers - all contributing to the inspiring force behind the global Cybersecurity Awareness movement. Talented experts from 21 countries across 5 continents. Do discover them. Brighten the light in others, and you will be amazed by their radiance!

Top 40 Under 40 - Certificate of Excellence

Cyber Security Global Alliance has been a long-time supporter of Ludmila’s work as Editor-in-Chief for Top Cyber News Magazine while she was attending CapTechU. Ludmila is an acknowledged multilingual, multicultural thought leader, Dr. Ludmila Morozova-Buss is architecting her blueprint in the field of digital media. In her role as the Founder and Editor-In-Chief of Top Cyber News Magazine, she assumes a central position in bridging the gap between cyber experts and the broader audience. Ludmila's passion for human talent, science, technology, and her dedication to creating, reforming, and sharing knowledge have culminated in the successful defense of her Ph.D. dissertation and the founding of a highly valued digital media platform.

Cyber Security Global Alliance additionally supports through our collaboration with Capitol Technology University in supporting the ’40 Under 40 in Cybersecurity’ program, with men and women who are highly talented, who are industry experts and have moved on to become Brand Ambassadors and more.

Cyber Security Global Alliance, CSGA Cyber Accelerator and the cybersecurity industry thanks Dr. Ludmila Morozova-Buss Ph.D. for all she has done over the years to honor those who deserve mention for their education, their impact, and their dedication to bringing change to the world of cybersecurity.

Cyber Security Global Alliance additionally recognizes our alliance leadership and all those executives and staff who are ‘40 Under 40’, with 50% of our overall team that are highly skilled multi-talented women that serve our alliance and cybersecurity as a whole globally.

James Castle
Chairperson & Founder
Cyber Security Global Alliance
csga-global.org | csga-cyberaccelerator.org