Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity Task Force

Coming Soon

Cyber Security Global Alliance's Cyber Task Force is run through Terranova Defense's GEMS-CSIRT and Cyber draw attention to online risks and give advice, and in building awareness on how to stay safe. Cybercrime affects us all: as individuals and society as a whole. On the one hand, new technologies have made many aspects of our lives easier, from social interactions to banking, shopping, events, transportation, and more. On the other hand, our increasing reliance on the Internet has created more risks and opened new paths for criminal activity.

CSGA’s Cyber Task Force (CTF) run regular awareness events and campaigns to highlight major forms of cybercrime and provide tips on how to stay safe. CSGA’s Cyber Task Force (CTF) run general cyber awareness programs, help organizations, corporations and governments in challenging major cyber threats, host and run cyber drills and run general to full cyber programs in general awareness, SOC 1 & 2 Analysts, to cyber specialist and vetted white hat cyber defense programs.

This division in being head up by Kenrick Bagnall CEO, Cyber Security Global Alliance, (Ret.), Toronto Police Services, C3 Cyber Crimes Division, and by Lina Dabit, Senior Constable, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Head of Cyber Crimes Division, and coordinated by James Castle, Founder and Chairperson, Cyber Security Global Alliance.

#YouMayBeNext (Initiated by Interpol)
Cyberattacks can happen to anyone at any time.
The #YouMayBeNext campaign focuses on digital extortion threats including:

- Sextortion
- Ransomware
- Distributed Denial-of-Services (DDoS)

The campaign offers practical tips to ensure that individuals and businesses are better equipped with the knowledge to safeguard their systems, networks and devices.

CSGA’s Cyber Crime Task Force (CTF) follows the work being done by Interpol and other domestic and international law enforcement agencies to continue their work in all countries that we operate. Together we help members and other countries to identify, triage and coordinate the response to cyberthreats globally. By collaborating with private cybersecurity partners who share up-to-date data on threats, trends and risks, we ensure police have the most relevant up-to-date threat information to guide their actions. We use this data to generate cyber intelligence to assist countries in developing prevention and disruption strategies to target the most pressing threats while looking ahead to prepare for emerging ones.

Cyber Crime Task Force (CCTF)

CSGA Cyber Task Force includes our Cyber Crime Task Force (CCTF) which brings together cyber experts from law enforcement and industry, including emergency professionals, public safety organizations and domestic and international agencies to gather and analyze all available information on criminal activities in cyberspace to provide countries with coherent, actionable intelligence.

The CSGA Cyber Task Force starts on April 20th, 2023 and will publish reports to alert countries to new, imminent or evolving cyberthreats. Working with other domestic and international law enforcement agencies. These reports will cover identified threats involving malware, phishing, compromised government websites, social engineering fraud and more. Since 2017, Interpol has issued more than 800 reports to police services in more than 150 countries.

On-the-ground support against cybercrime

In close cooperation with member countries, the private sector and national Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs), we help coordinate transnational cybercrime investigations and operations worldwide.


Cybercrime investigators and experts from police and national Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) in the region will work together to locate and alert victims with education, awareness, certification and other global services to help victims find answers and help us solve these issues in the future.

Compromised Websites

Data provided by a private cybersecurity partner identified a strain of malware infecting e-commerce websites to steal payment card details and personal data. Cyber Security Global Alliance’s Cyber Crime Task Force (CCTF) will issue Cyber Activity Reports to the affected countries, highlighting the threat to support their national investigations.

Global Cyber Surges

CSGA’s Cyber Task Force (CTF) will lead several operations across different regions targeting organized cybercrime activity. These ‘global cyber surges’ brought together investigators to act on threat information developed with private sector partners.

Public-Private Partnerships

Partnerships are essential in fighting cybercrime since the expertise often lies in other sectors.

When it comes to cybercrime, police do not have all the answers. Partnerships with other organizations allow CSGA’s Cyber Crime Task Force (CCTF) and its members and other participating countries to benefit from the cyber and technological expertise available in the public, private and academic sectors.

How Can I Contribute?

We are always looking for new partners with cyber skills and expertise to complement that of the global law enforcement community. Cyber Security Global Alliance and the Terranova Cyber Solutions currently have formal partnerships with organizations and private companies in the cybersecurity, information technology, aerospace, defense, and fintech industries.

If you feel your company would be a good fit to support CSGA’s Cyber Crime Task Force (CCTF) cybercrime mission, we encourage you to reach out to explore potential partnership options, including:

Information sharing – data-sharing agreements serve as frameworks for partners to share crucial cybercrime-related data with us.

Secondment of experts – both law enforcement and the private sector can send experts to work temporarily on our premises for closer daily collaboration in conducting research, developing cyber intelligence and supporting global operations.

Intelligence analysis – providing tools, techniques and software to assist us in analyzing cyber threats, as well as access to open source or internal data sets.

Developing/delivering training – in-kind or financial support for capacity building and training activities.

Are there other areas where you feel your company could support our cybercrime activities? Let’s start a discussion.

CSGA’s Cyber Crime Task Force (CCTF)

Comprised of cybercrime experts from police, private industry and academia, the group serves as a platform for the exchange of cyber information and good practices to support law enforcement. It also assists INTERPOL and EUROPOL in developing strategies for its cybercrime issues and projects. When necessary, the group meets with representatives for Regional Working Groups on Cybercrime for Heads of Units to gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by specific regions and help propose solutions.

Regional Working Groups on Cybercrime for Heads of Units

CSGA’s Cyber Crime Task Force (CCTF) has seven regional working groups for the Heads of Cybercrime units in Canada, United States, Europe, Australia and NATO. They will start meeting regularly in April 5, 2023 to advise us on formulating policies and implementing projects to combat cybercrime.

Meetings for 2023 will have different themes based on the needs of each region:

Europe and Australia groups will meet to discuss recent cybercrime cases and the importance of cooperation with private industry. The European Division will exchange best practices for investigations and digital forensics techniques, where joint operations against business email compromise, cryptojacking, phishing and other scams were also planned. Recommendations on cyber capability development, operational activities, prevention and a regional framework were adopted by the Americas group.

CSGA’s Cyber Task Force (CTF) Meetings will commence on:

Will launch in Q1 2024, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and this will be our first quarterly meeting, bringing together cyber and program experts from law enforcement, the private sector and academia for in-depth discussions on the latest cyberthreats and how to overcome them through a collective global response.

Founded in 2022, CSGA's Cyber Crime Task Force is an active coalition designed to work with law enforcement, intelligence organizations, and cyber insurance companies to prevent digital risk before it strikes. CSGA is on a mission to provide security for all and create a safe digital economy where everyone can thrive. CSGA provides cyber, executive risks, and cyber insurance policies paired with active risk assessment and monitoring technology to help small and medium-sized organizations protect themselves in a digital world.

The CSGA Cyber Crime Task Force is a unique partnership between players from the academic world, the public authorities, and the private sector to join forces in the fight against cybercrime. Currently, more than 100 key players from across multiple sectors are active members contributing to the CSGA coalition’s mission and objectives.

As a member of the CSGA, you become part of a cross-sector community, which provides a trusted environment for the exchange of non-public expertise and information. Our mission is to bolster North America's cyber security resilience by building a strong cyber security ecosystem at the international level. We do so by bringing together the skills and expertise of the academic world, the private sector, and public authorities on a trust-based platform aimed at fostering information exchange and implementing joint actions.

We focus on four strategic domains:

  • Experience Sharing 

  • Sharing knowledge, best practices, threats & opportunities

  • Operational Collaboration

  • Peer-to-peer collaboration within a trusted community

Policies Recommendations -

  • Issuing recommendations for more efficient policies and guidelines

  • Raising Awareness

  • Campaigns to raise awareness amongst citizens and organizations

Kenrick Bagnall
Chief Executive Officer
Cyber Security Global Alliance,
Cyber Crime Task Force & Intelligence Council


Internet Safety Tips

The World Wide Web

The Internet is a global, decentralized network of computers taking advantage of common protocols permitting the transfer of information. No individual, company, or government controls the Internet.


There are many risks and security issues involving the use of the Internet. Children and their parents should be most concerned about:

  • Viewing inappropriate material

  • Physical molestation

  • Harassment

  • Frauds and Scams

Tips for Kids

  • NEVER give out any personal information such as your address, telephone number, parents' place of work or their phone number, or the name and location of your school

  • NEVER agree to get together with someone you 'meet' online without first checking with your parents

  • NEVER send anyone your picture - Don't accept any pictures either

  • NEVER respond to any messages that make you feel uncomfortable

  • NEVER lose your common sense while online - Remember, you are talking to a stranger. The people you are talking to may not be who they say they are

  • NEVER send an insulting or rude message to anyone online. 'Flaming' is not good 'Netiquette'

  • Use a 'code name'

  • Report any harassment or inappropriate messages to your online service and to the Police

  • Set your browser to say NO to 'cookies'

Tips for Parents

  • Learn about what your child is doing on the Internet - Know what Web Sites they are visiting, know what type of chat rooms, e-mail, and messages your child is involved in online

  • Find out about Filtering Software that is available to block out objectionable material

  • Set reasonable guidelines for computer use by your children - monitor the amount of time spent on the computer and when

  • Keep computer usage as a family activity by putting the computer in a family room rather than in the child's bedroom

  • Ensure your child does not give out personal information. Have them use a 'code name'

  • Be wary of any offers that involve your child going to a meeting or having someone visit your home - Remember that people may not be who they seem

  • Create a password for your computer that is hard to guess but easy to remember and change it often

  • Monitor your credit card bills

  • Report any suspicious activity to the Police and ask for assistance.

    For more Internet safety tips, please visit Be Web Aware.

Artificial Intelligence and
Cybersecurity Task Force

Cyber Security Global Alliance's Cyber Task Force & GEMS-CSIRT

Learn how the Cyber Task Force and GEMS-CSIRT, part of the Cyber Security Global Alliance, address cybercrime and provide advice on staying safe online.